ROCK-COLOR CHART (chart produced by the Geological Society of America)
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Produced by the Geological Society of America
(second hand copy - 1984)
Rock colour charts are a method of accurately describing the colour of rock samples, particularly in the field. These charts use the Munsell colour system which designates colours using unique alphanumeric notations. It is based on three properties of colour: hue (basic colour), chroma (colour intensity), and value (lightness).
Such charts are produced by the Geological Society of America and use Munsell color chips.
There are eight colour charts, four pages of explanation, and a card designed to be used a mask to isolate the rock colour. All contained in a card sleeve.
Published by the Geological Society of America. 1984. Very good condition.
Size: 19 x 14 centimetres (approx)
Weight: 96 grams