AMMONITES (Second hand copy in 'as new' condition)
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By Neale Monks and Philip Palmer
(Second hand copy in 'as new' condition)
The beautiful spiral shells of ammonites are among the best known of all fossils. Ammonites were a diverse and successful group of marine invertebrates related to the squids, octopuses, cuttlefishes and nautiluses of today.
They first appeared about 400 million years ago and became extinct about the same time as the dinosaurs. During that time - a period of over 300 million years - they evolved into a bewildering array of shapes and sizes, and appear to have been incredibly abundant and widespread.
In this book the authors have tried to answer some of the most frequently asked questions, such as: What did ammonites eat? How long did they live for? Why did they become extinct?
Published by the Natural History Museum, London. 2002.
Soft cover. 159 pages. Black and white and colour photographs. Second hand copy in 'as new' condition.
Size: 23 x 15 centimetres
Weight: 361 grams